Inspiring Workplaces honors BCD for making people a priority


Picture above (L to R): Chelsey Power (Supervisor, PnC), Fleur Scheer (Employer Brand Manager), Simone Coles (Learning & Development Specialist), Angela Williams (Vice President, PnC), Lucy Norman (Director, PnC)

Inspiring Workplaces™ is a globally recognized organization that focuses on improving the workplace experience and culture. They recognize and support organizations that prioritize the happiness and well-being of their employees. Inspiring Workplaces sheds light on these innovative companies to encourage positive change at work and to inspire and educate those who want to do better.

BCD collects three awards for Inspiring Workplaces

Inspiring Workplaces also honored us as the #5 company across all of Europe and #11 among all companies in the UK and Ireland. The awards noted our purpose and culture, leadership, wellbeing, inclusion, employee voice and experience.

This isn’t just more trophies for us. It reflects our core values and the strategic initiatives we have implemented to make BCD a great place to work. Here are a few reasons why we’re celebrating:

  • Employee satisfaction and engagement: We’re creating a workplace where employees feel valued and engaged. High employee morale leads to increased productivity and innovation, which are critical for our continued growth and the success of our clients’ travel programs.
  • Top talent wants to work with us: Recognition from a respected organization like Inspiring Workplaces helps us attract and retain top talent. Prospective employees are more likely to choose a company that is known for its excellent workplace culture and employee-centric policies.
  • Positivity is contagious: A positive work environment leads to lower turnover rates and higher employee retention. So, this stability allows us to build and maintain strong, experienced teams that drive our business forward.

Inspiring Workplaces awards also named BCD as a finalist for awards in North America, Asia and Latin America. These award ceremonies will be held later in June.


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