The Untold Story of Air India Bombing | How Canada hides Khalistan crimes

Story of the Air India Bombing: This person wants to break India into pieces and establish Khalistan. He constantly threatens Indians on Canadian soil. India has declared him a terrorist, and there are 22 criminal cases against him. He is the chief of the Sikhs for Justice organization, which plans attacks on India from Canada and America. Now, they want to target the World Cup finals and have instructed their Khalistani supporters to wave the Khalistani flag on that day. They have also planned an attack on India and have warned the Sikh community not to travel by Air India flight on November 19. He even threatened the Hindu people who settled in Canada. The shocking part is that Canada does not take any action against him in the name of freedom of speech.

How Canada hides Khalistan crimes

Canada is considered a peaceful and developed country that values people’s lives and welcomes immigrants. However, the truth is different, and a dirty secret of Canada will be revealed today. Let’s understand the Canada and Khalistan connection.

Chapter 1: The Canada and Khalistan Connection

After the 9/11 terror attack, countries like America, Israel, Ukraine, and India took action when their people were attacked. However, before 9/11, Canadian citizens were attacked. Air India Flight Kanishka, flying from Toronto to Delhi, was bombed near Ireland, killing all 329 people on board. This was the world’s most dangerous aviation terror attack before 9/11. Khalistani terrorists and Canada were responsible for this attack.

The Khalistan movement started in 1971 when Jagjit Singh Chauhan, the self-proclaimed president of Khalistan, published a report in The New York Times. He collected donations, issued passports, and opened consulates for the Khalistani people. India’s intelligence agencies believed that Pakistan had a hand in this movement, as there is a deep connection between Khalistan and Pakistan. Pakistan adopted the strategy of “bleeding India by a thousand cuts” after its defeat in the Bangladesh liberation war. The Khalistan movement is part of this strategy.

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Talwinder Singh Parmar took over the Khalistan movement after Jagjit Singh and Bhindranwale. Operation Blue Star took place in 1984, followed by the assassination of PM Indira Gandhi and anti-Sikh riots. Parmar used this anger to revive the Khalistan movement outside India, and Canada was aware of it. Parmar made inflammatory speeches in Canada, threatened to kill 50,000 Hindus, and attacked Indian high commissions. Canadian intelligence was tracking him but took no action.

Air India Bombing | How Canada hides Khalistan crimes Air India Bombing | How Canada hides Khalistan crimes
Air India Bombing | How Canada Hides Khalistan Crimes

Chapter 2: Air India Bombings

Sikh people settled in Canada tried to warn the Canadian government about Parmar’s threats, but they were ignored. Gerry Boudreault, a criminal, was offered money to plant a bomb on an Air India flight. This information was given to the police, but it was not taken seriously. Indian intelligence also informed Air India security officers and the RCMP about the bomb plans. Canadian intelligence was following Parmar’s activities, and even the Sikh community and Parmar himself announced that something major was going to happen on an Air India flight. Despite all the warnings, Canada did not take any action, and the feared bombing occurred.

The first bomb exploded in Tokyo Narita Airport, and Air India Flight 182 crashed 190 kilometers off the coast of Ireland. All 329 people on board were killed, including 268 Canadian citizens. This was a preventable tragedy, and Canadian officials are equally responsible for this attack.

Chapter 3: How Canada Failed the World

After this incident, one would expect Canada to take strong action against Khalistani supporters. However, Canada did not take any significant action, and the Khalistan movement continued to exist.

Canada considered the Air India bombings an Indian disaster because the citizens were of Indian origin. Canada tried to hide evidence and lie about their knowledge of the attack. Phone conversations that could have been used as evidence were deleted. The trial for the bombing took 15 years to start, and witnesses were intimidated. The person who made the bomb was arrested with the help of Japan but was ultimately released in 2017. Canada did not provide support to the families who lost loved ones in the bombings. The investigation took 217 days and cost $60 million, but no one got justice. Canada apologized for the incident in 2010, but forgiveness is not enough. Canada has not learned from its mistakes and continues to make the same errors. The Khalistan movement is still a problem, and Canada is trying to suppress threats of bombings under the guise of freedom of speech. Canada blames India for their problems instead of taking action. Canada has become a safe base for Khalistanis and does not take action against those who celebrate Indira Gandhi’s assassination. The question is, why does Canada consider its failures as its own and delete evidence for vote-bank politics? Canada’s carefree attitude is harmful not only for Canadians but also for Indians living there. The whole world needs to know about Canada’s dirty secret.

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Canada’s mistakes and lack of action in the Air India bombings case show that the lives of Indians do not matter to Canada. The new generation needs to understand the context of today’s geopolitics and see the real face of the country they idolize. Help us reach more people and spread awareness about Canada’s carefree attitude and its harmful consequences.

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The Untold Story of Air India Bombing | How Canada Hides Khalistan Crimes

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